Thank YOU, and an Announcement!

Hello, everyone!

On behalf of eliselle, NightingaleTide, and myself, I’d like to start this post off by thanking everyone who gave BATTLEBONDS a shot, and giving an extra thanks to everyone who went out of their way to leave a comment. The end of the jam time was extremely hectic, and seeing people react so positively and wish for further progress was incredibly uplifting!

However, before all of those comments, and even before wrapping up and submitting our game, we were already talking amongst ourselves about getting back together in the near future to polish up the rough spots, as well as add some content that ended up having to be cut for time. We still feel this way, so for everyone wishing for more, you’re in luck!

We don’t yet have a timeline set due to having to catch back up with some of the time we borrowed to devote to the jam, but hopefully within a week or two we can share a bit more info about our plans and how long they might take.

In the meantime, please enjoy this teaser image, drawn by eliselle, of an alternate ending that wasn’t quite able to be worked into the game before time was up. As for who the “winner” of this ending is… please await an update in the near future ;)

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