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(1 edit) (+2)

Well, was going to suggest with a rivalry this heated, that an ending where they both wind up bound together would be extremely hot... guess you're already on that wavelength.

As for the actual game, extremely solid start. Difficulty is too easy, and bindings, while helpful, aren't enough to sway a fight either way. If fleshed out with more leaders and units, or perhaps shift the generic units to enemy side, and have a cast of unique characters that can be bound up, and you'll already be on a road to something genuinely special.

Either way, excellent little game, though one gripe: the endings have the text boxes blocking out a fair bit of the pictures, and that especially hurts for Valerie's victory. Hopefully that can be fixed in the upcoming update?

Also, from a personal perspective, thank you for including nudity. It's always a personal preference, of course, but nudity always makes the bondage better for me, and this game has a good use of it.


really fun game! I really hope that this gets an expansion. different character etc. but it fees rewarding to have your opponent tied up at the end. And thats what bondage games are all about. great game! :) 


Super fun~

Would play again :3


Incredible for being made in a week! Love that all the types of bondage are color-coded. Only complaint is that it's almost impossible to lose. Overall incredibly fun, would absolutely support this if you decide to continue developing!

(1 edit) (+3)

I never good at playing Turn based strategy games but when i saw you can bind them in latex bondage, i try the game. Just finish the first mission and i gonna say it's really fun. Keep doing good work.


Dang, this is some good stuff for a gamejam! Bit unpolished in some parts, but the core gameplay is just wonderful! Kinky Fire Emblem was a great Idea. Definitely a fan for this if you all want to keep working on it.


Very nice game! When I finished the first level, I was already thinking that it was pretty good for something made in a week, so when I realized that there were much more than that, I was really impressed! 

I noticed that the ennemy never seems to try to free themselves, which is not really an issue, just kind of funny.

Well done!